  • utopia.AI arouses great interest in Capacity Europe with its Artificial Intelligence products - News - Utopia

utopia.AI arouses great interest in Capacity Europe with its Artificial Intelligence products

The developer of Artificial Intelligence solutions has participated in the annual edition of Capacity Europe, held in London from 24 to 26 October, where it has presented its portfolio of products based on Deep Learning and aimed primarily at Contact Centers […]

November 3rd, 2017|
  • The utopia of a machine capable of learning on its own has become a reality | News | utopia.AI

The utopia of a machine capable of learning on its own has become a reality

Interviewer: "Utopia is a company exclusively focused on artificial intelligence. ¿Which businesses or sectors are its products designed for?" utopia.AI: "Our main clients are call centers and customer service departments. All companies that utilise these areas can benefit from the advantages of our products, regardless of their sector. We are facing a period of disruption and immense change. [...]

May 19th, 2017|